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sexual harassment training Ethical compliance solutions provided by Global Compliance were developed to encourage organizational trust and transparency. From anonymous employee hotline solutions to training and education programs, Global Compliance is dedicated to promoting integrity by providing your organization with all the compliance tools needed reduce organizational risk. [Details] |
selling on facebook Vendio, the number one provider of e-commerce software and online auction services, offers all of the tools needed for online sales. The company's ecommerce software, which can be used to sell on Facebook, makes it possible to share inventory in real time across multiple sales platforms. Learn how to simplify the online sales process with Vendio. [Details] |
bioinformatyka We organize and conduct courses for persons who are sophisticated in the analysis of bioinformatics, as well as for beginners. The courses address the different aspects of bioinformatics, but also matters of programming. We are open to suggestions and we may adjust the theme of the course to your requirements. [Details] |